יום שני, 9 במאי 2011

Build me an army

Build me an army of
poets warriors,
of heart-broken lovers
to bring righteous vengeance
& relief to those in pain

how can I stay deaf
to the cry of
a nation?

You who suffer are my people
but I am not one of you.

 I've heard about the one
who lost his brothers
the one who is missing a mother
the one who was tortured,
every story is a tragedy
on this bloody land
I can share my sorrow
but I can't compensate one
on anything:
I am empty handed,
save my useless compassion to you
save my fear of hatred & my hatred for that fear.
Poets alone can make peace & Justice comes togather,
broken heart lovers' despair
is a fabric woven
by blood and tears of the
innocent ones.

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